Design and verification of lifting lugs
The spreadsheet verifies some configurations of lifting lugs and padeyes.
Different worksheets are reported for a complete verification of common configurations.
Lifting Lug subjected to a vertical load
The verification is performed considering the reference "Design and Construction of Lifting Beams" David T. Ricker, PE, AISC Engineering Journal, Fourth Quarter/1991 and its updating to 2005 AISC Manual of Steel Construction (click here to download it).
Many sections are reported with the dimensioning verifications:

- Geometry definition and requirements check in compliance with the prescriptions reported in the reference document
- Materials definition
- Verification of the failure modes of the lug to:
- Tensile Rupture of Lug,
- Bearing Capacity of Hole,
- Shear Yielding to Edge of Plate,
- Tension Tear Out to Edge of Plate
- Section verification of the lifting lug's plate
Welding verification between the lug and the bottom plate, using the norm Eurocode
1993-1-8:2005 and NTC 2008.
Two dimensioning welding cases and configurations: -
- fillet weld
- full penetration weld
Useful graphical views of the lug and welding are foreseen to better define the geometry and the dimensioning parameters.
Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System can be selected for the calculation.
Lifting Lug subjected to a load with given slope
Lug with an applied force having an assigned sloped angle and eccentricity with respect to the hole.
The verifications of the previous case are repeated with the additional verifications of the connected bottom section to the bending effect produced by the eccentricity of the force.
Also for this case two welding types are included: fillet weld and full penetration weld.
Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System can be selected for the calculation.

Design of a lifting lug with overlapping plate joint subjected to a sloped force
The previous lug is verified considering the case with the main plate overlapping the bottom structure with a welding line all around its perimeter.
Forces in the plane of the pad and transversal to it are considered. The verification of the failure modes and the plate section are included.
The front and lateral welds are verified considering the EN 1993-1-8.
Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System can be selected for the calculation.

Design of a lifting padeye with stiffeners
The worksheet verifies a lifting padeye provided with stiffening brackets and cheek plate loaded with a sloped force. The verification takes into account the guidelines in "Rules for Classification and Construction Industrial Services IV-6-4" Germanischer Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft Edition 2007 (click here to download it).
Many sections are reported with the dimensioning verifications:

- Geometry definition and dimensional requirement checks. Three stiffening brackets can be selected. The main section parameters (shear sections, bending modulus, inertia moments…) are calculated for the stress analysis
- Materials definition
- Evaluation of the safety factors for lifting equipment
- Forces in the plane of the pad and transversal to it
- Calculus and verification of the stresses on the loaded sections due to tension, shear, bending and torsion moments
- Verification of the failure modes of the lug hole to:
- Tensile Rupture of Lug,
- Bearing Capacity of the Hole,
- Shear Yielding to Edge of Plate,
- Tension Tear Out to Edge of Plate
- Verification of fillet welds of the composed elements:
- main plate,
- stiffening brackets (vertical and bottom sections)
- cheek plate
Useful graphical views of the geometry of the padeye are foreseen for a better definition of the configuration and dimensioning parameters.
Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System can be selected for the calculation.
See video PART 1. (version 1.0)
See video PART 2. (version 2.0)
The Part 2 contains the new verification worksheets included in the version 2.0 (lifting padeyes with stiffening brackets and lugs with overlapping plate joint).
The spreadsheet you will purchase and receive is an excel file compiled in a “.EXE” application file format identified by our icon image. See the Activation/Support page for more details.
Trial version
You can download a trial version of this spreadsheet for evaluation purpose. Click below to download the zipped file.
The trial version has a limited number of runs from its first activation on your computer, after that it stops to work and a new activation key is needed or the full version should be purchased.
To activate it, unzip the downloaded file, run the application and insert the Activation Key you will find in the .TXT file.
After key validation, the runs count starts on your machine and a window is displayed at each launch reminding you the remained launches.
To purchase the full version go back to this webpage or use the “Purchase Online” button on the window.
The trial spreadsheet is fully working with the following limitations:
- A pin diameter of 20 mm (~ 0,79 in) is fixed and it cannot be modified
- A pin hole diameter of 25 mm (~ 0,89 in) is fixed and it cannot be modified
- It is not possible to open/save external spreadsheets when it runs
- Excel toolbar is not visible
- Print function is disable
- Copy and paste functions are disable
- Save function is disable
What you will find in the full version
- No expiration date
- No limit for pin and hole diameter
- It is possible to open/save external spreadsheets when it runs
- Excel toolbar is visible
- Print function is available
- Save function is available
- Copy and paste functions are available
Spreadsheet versions list:
Version 4.1:
Correction of some texts.
Included additional stress combinations to increase safety aspect.
Updated figures for test example.
Added some text explanations.
Version 4.0:
Updating of the "Design of a lifting padeye with stiffeners" sheet including:
- three stiffening brackets case
- cheek plate presence option
- updating of section properties calculation for the base depending by the selected brackets number
- updating of the welding veriifcation tacking into account the brackets number
- new calculation of forces distribution on welds related to the brackets positioning with respect to the pin hole
- updating of graphical interfaces
- introduced new checks, notes and warning messages
Version 3.4:
Minor bug correction.
Version 3.3:
Bug fixed.
Version 3.2:
Some text corrections have been introduced.
Version 3.1:
Updated picture in sheet 2 with reference signs.
Minor improvements.
Version 3.0:
Added English Unit System. Now it is possible to select the Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System for the calculation. The input and output values will change as consequence.
Added User values for Beta and Gamma parameters in welding verifications.
Minor corrections and various improvements.
Version 2.1:
New .EXE file format for the spreadsheet. When launching the .EXE file, Excel is started and the protected workbook is opened as if you had opened it the regular way. See Activation/Support page for more information.
Version 2.0:
Added verification worksheet of lifting padeyes with stiffening brackets.
Added verification worksheet of lugs with overlapping plate joint.
Minor corrections.
Version 1.0: new introduced file.
Please for any technical question use the specific email contact form.
Answer to comments below:
Answer to Mechanic: can you describe me the problem? Please write me using the contact form. The file seems to work.
Answer to henk: you're probably referring to the message that 32bit is required. It refers to the version of Excel and not to the file. To run the 64 bit file you need the Excel 64 bit and probably you have the 32 bit. So try with the 32 bit version of the file.
Answer to Alan: First of all don't worry all our files are safe and in general there is no problem with antivirus softwares. Anyway because the .EXE applications are not provided with certified digital signature (not yet), there is the possibility that an antivirus software or Windows firewall generates a "false positive", showing a warning message (or in worst case blocking the file). In this case enter in the preferences of your antivirus software and add the .EXE in its exclusion files list or temporary dactivate the Antivirs. In this way the antivirus allows its execution without problems.
Answer to Chris Nay: The key is in the text file you've downloaded. It activates the file for a limited use.
Answer to PRose: Yes. An email with the update link will be sent to you. However, it is suggested to periodically check for updates and to request them in case the email is not received (sometimes this happens mainly due to anti-spam protection systems).
Please for any other technical questions use the dedicated email contact form.
Mahmoud Shoajei (Tuesday, 08 August 2023 07:17)
I have recently downloaded the trial version of lifting lug design, but in program installing, it will need an activation key, What should I do in this step?
my email :
PRose (Thursday, 18 May 2023 17:24)
If you buy the spreadsheet do you get the relevant updates/revisions when released?
CAprile (Friday, 26 November 2021 21:11)
Trial open fine, all equations seem to be in order. I will likely purchase the full version.
MEchanic (Monday, 13 September 2021 12:21)
Useless trial, couldn't open the file!
henk (Tuesday, 31 July 2018 18:09)
the 64-bit trial version does not work?
says it is a 32-bit version
Alan (Friday, 27 July 2018 01:44)
Virus protection (Norman) is showing the 32bit trial version as a harmful file and won't download (not the 64bit though).
Not sure if it's just my machine or there is actually something up with the file.
Chris Nay (Saturday, 16 June 2018 05:13)
I am trying to download the trial version and it is asking for an activation key.