Welded and bolted connections

Design spreadsheets and tools for calculations of welded and bolted connections in compliance with international codes (Eurocode) and technical literature.


Excel spreadsheets are available for many design problems as reported hereafter.



Tools di progettazione per il calcolo di connessioni saldate e bullonate secondo le norme internazionali (Eurocodici) e la letteratura tecnica.


I fogli excel sono disponibili per diversi problemi progettuali di seguito riportati.

Dimensioning of bolts


Complete dimensioning of bolted connections using standard and Eurocode norms.





Verification of welding

Spreadsheet for the verification of welding connection problems using Eurocode norms.



Welding shapes verification


Spreadsheet for the verification of the welding of different fillet welding shapes tacking into account the Eurocode norms.




Welding verification of H sections


Spreadsheet for the verification of the welding of a H section connected to a supporting plate or flange tacking into account the Eurocode norms.


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Welded rectangular tube section


Spreadsheet for the verification of the welding of a rectangular tube section connected to a supporting plate or flange tacking into account the Eurocode norms.


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Threaded hole verification 


Spreadsheet for the verification of general metric threaded holes. 




Verification of threaded screw and shaft


Spreadsheet for the verification of general metric thread of a screw application. It allows to specify a specific diameter for the screw, in order to cover also special cases as for example the thread realized on shafts.



Dimensioning of riveted joint


Spreadsheet for the verification of a riveted connection with one or two shear planes.  



Forces on bolted connections

The spreadsheet calculates the forces on the bolts in a bolted joint configuration, considering the external applied loads set of shear, tension forces, bending and torque moments.



Bolt distances check


Simple tool to verify the position of a bolted connection with respect to the adjacent elements, such as fillet welds and H section internal radius.




Package composed by the following products:

  • Dimensioning of Bolts
  • Verification of welding
  • Threaded hole verification
  • Verification of thread of screw and shaft

€ 55,00    (instead of € 68)


Special package composed by the following products:

  • Dimensioning of Bolts
  • Verification of welding
  • Threaded hole verification
  • Verification of thread of screw and shaft
  • Forces on bolted connections
  • Dimensioning of riveted joint

€ 80,00    (instead of € 98)